my real confession

My name is……. I am 29 years old. I belonged to a poor family. One day I was playing with the children of my street when I was in childhood a brick fell on my head. My parents consulted doctor of our village. As the doctor was not so expert he stitched one nerve of my brain while stitching the wound which had occurred due to the fall of brick on my head. In the beginning when I was in my school days I often fell unconscious. No body came to know that it was happening because of the mistake of the doctor. When I grew up I consulted an expert doctor. From my reports I came to know that due to that very incident which took place in my childhood is happening this all. The doctor suggested me the medicine and now by God’s grace everything is going on well. Now I am of marriageable age. Many Persons come in our home for the purpose of marriage. But I often feel they would said ‘no’ if they come to know my disease. Sometime my parents and other relatives suggest me to not to disclose about your disease to any of the person if you want to get marry to a good guy as you are. But I feel what would happen of they come to know about it after my marriage. Suggest me the best way which could make my future secure and happy. Should I disclose the secure of my ailment to my would be husband or keep silent as my parents and relatives want me to do.

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