My name is ….. I am 29 years old. I am married. My marriage took place four years ago. My wife works in a company. I have a son & a daughter. We have joint family. Six months ago, a woman entered in my life. She told me that she. Loves me deeply. She works with me in my institution. She started calling me often. We started going to the restaurant. She too is a married woman. One day she called me in her home in the absence of her husband. She shared wine with me. I lost my control over my body as I was not drunkard. I slept with her throughout the whole night. We shared one room. When I got up, I was in close contact of her. I felt quite ashamed in front of myself. When I reached my home, my wife started asking me where did I spend the whole night. She was very angry at that time as I had not picked up the phone, when she called me because it was put ion silent mode by that lady. Since then, I felt that what I am doing & what happened was quite wrong. But she (that lady who loves me) does not agree to it. She still is in too much love with me.
Sometimes, I feel by loving her, I am breaking the both homes. When I try to make her this understand, she often gets angry & asks me why did I come too close to her & she warns me that if I do not keep in contact with her, she would tell the whole thing to my wife & my parents. But should I do. Suggest me the best way which could help me get rid of this awkward situation.