life of girl after marriage

This is my real story. I’m living in a small town. My parents were looking out a good guy for me. One day my mother-father came to know about a guy who had his own business they are very rich persons and have their own schools in the town. They had very good reputation in the school. In the whole town everybody talked good about them. My Parents were happy that this family asked for my hand. I also got agree with the relation.
I got married in a family with guy who had his own schools. I came to my new home where I needed to do some adjustments. I was working in a School as a Teacher. There were small difficulties that I was facing in the home. The issues that came were due to my mother in law almost. She had always problem with me, with my every work. Small issues like when I was about to go to school, she did not allow me to prepare the breakfast. She used to tell me that its time is 10:00 AM.she told me that no breakfast will be allowed to cook before awakening of the other family members before this rest of the family members are not awaked so breakfast will not allow to cook for one member only. I had to delay my breakfast timings as I need to cook for all and then I will go to school. I need to wash all clothes before going to my work. These things were very small but day by day these things become bigger. I always obeyed my mother-in –law. She wanted me to leave the job and to become a homely girl. I told her ok. I will leave the job, I have no other option as I couldn’t argues with my mother in law.
My husband got angry with me in small things. He told me that I do issues with his mother and talk in loud voice with her. I told him that “she is my like mother, I do what she says” But he never trusts me. He used to beat me. When he started to beat, then it was difficult to live in that house. I decided that I have to go from here. Everybody in my in-laws home wanted me to go. From father in law, to my husband.
I came to my home, my mom dad were asking me that why I came alone and my husband is not with me. I told them all truth. I was working in college there as I had professional degree with me. 2 months passed and I came to know that I’m Pregnant. I told this to my husband but he did not respond well. After some time I was blessed with a baby girl. I again talked to my husband and my mother in law. I came to home to meet my husband, my mother in law and father in law. I wanted to give this good news to everybody at home. I told my family to see their little daughter.
They told me:- We do not want daughter. They scolded me that why I had a baby girl and not a baby boy. They treated me very badly. They pushed me out of the home door.
Now I’m living with my daughter, mother -father and working in a college.

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