love vs selfishness – true love story

This is my friend’s story. Her name is Manu (Changed Name ) . She was living in a small village .She had big dreams to fulfill that she would go to foreign. She dreamt of having aero plane in her room. Her dream was to go out of the village and to go to Mumbai. She wants tried for making her career in film industry. She wanted to be an actress.
One day there was shooting at the village at small level. She participated in that. There was a producer who had come from Mumbai. He was watching out the performance. It was her turn, she performed. Shooting was over and she was leaving .Producer came to her and asked her.
He asked: – Hello! (He produced his hand to handshake)
She answered: – Hello! She done handshake and felt not good in handshaking with him.
He smiled and she left the place.
She reached to her home and went to her room. She saw her aero-plane and slept with it.
Next day of shooting she went there. Producer came to her and told to her that she can do well but her acting is not good. He told to try with him.
She said ok: – It was very uncomfortable for her to perform with him.
She asked him if it is necessary to done this to become an actress.
He answered: – Yeah, I’m helping you and you were saying that “is it necessary”.
Go you cannot become an actress.
Manu answered :-( with fear) No, Nothing like that. I will do.
He replied: – (with cunning smile) ok you meet me at tomorrow evening.
Next day there were some relatives came to her home to see her as daughter in law. The guy was of village. His name was Arun. She did not want to marry and refused Arun for marriage.
Manu told Arun:- See arun please I do not want to marry now. I don’t want to live in village and I want to go outside and have some dreams. You are a villager and an uneducated person.
Arun answered: – we came because your family wanted us to come. Anyways,no issue.
Manu told: – Yeah I know because my family also wants me to settle. I don’t know how should I convince them. But please you go. I have many dreams and cannot marry you. I don’t want to settle in village.
Arun:- ok Manu!! All the best! And don’t worry. I will tell your Parents that I refused for marriage.
Manu said:- Ok. Thank you. You saved me.
Ok I have to go now. I haveto go for shooting today. I’m getting late.
Arun and his family went from there. Arun told his family and her family that “ I’m not ready for the marriage now.”.
Manu’s family told Arun:- Please do not go to some other family to see the girl.
Arun remained silent and came from there. Arun was silent because he had liking for Manu.
At the other moment Manu went for shooting and met that producer.
He told her some particular place to come that was the room behind the shooting place. She went there and he misbehaved with her. Some villagers reached there and started blaming manu that what she was doing to make career in film industry. At the same time she told that she came to meet Arun here.We were getting married. I don’t know from where the producer came here.
Everybody asked Arun: – Is it truth?
Arun saw manu:-Manu had tears in her eyes.
Arun agreed yeah I told her to come here. He took all blame on him. It was arun’s true love that he was saving Manu in such matter even. Manu was selfish girl who took the help of Arun to save herself when she was in a problem.

Posted By .. Rajni

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