Love with Teacher – Real Confession

To fall in love is the natural and uncontrollable feeling. I also fell in love with my teacher.The feeling of love which is the most precious and awkward feeling that everyone experience in his/her life.


I was the student of MBA and I had a great crush with one of my teacher. I regularly attended his lecture and never missed it. He was my dream partner and I really wanted that my partner should looks like him. Slowly and slowly that crush changed into the love. I got more attracted towards him. It started affecting my studies. I lost my interest towards studies.


In his lecture I always stare at him continuously. This situation became more painful during the last semester when I realized that now I have to leave the college. Most of the time I cried a lot. I started spending my time alone. Leaving the company of anyone started irritating me. My behavior totally changed and I became irritable. Whenever every one asked me what happened to me I revert them in the very rude manner.


I tried a lot to express my feelings to him or share with my family or friends but was unable to do so and during my last day of the college I not even enjoyed with my friends. I always regret that what I did was wrong. I did not even enjoy the experience of the last day of my college and not even shared my feelings with anyone. This regret will be there with me throughout my life.

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