Me and My luck

My name is Aanya (Changed Name ) . I took birth in very poor family. My father is shopkeeper and mother is a housewife. My brother has studied up to twelfth after that due to his friends he turned towards the wrong way. I was in studying in +2 in non-medical batch. It was difficult for me to continue studies as there were problems in my home’s environment. My brother daily argued with my parents and with me. There was the daily fight at my home. It was really difficult to live at home and to prepare for any exam. I also tensed that in this home environment how I will live? Our home environment was very bad, even sometimes it was difficult for me to live. I felt like committing suicide as my brother created daily issues and fought with all of us. My Parents could also say him nothing about his inhuman behavior.
It is not the problem of one or two days but daily he creates an issue in small matters like” food is not prepared well today”.” I placed my diary here? Where it gone? You place them somewhere”. He used to listen songs, Watch TV at high volume which was also the disturbing factor for me.
In that environment I was living. One day my sister told me to make my career good by studying hard.
I was trying to ignore all that situations in my home and was trying to concentrate on my studies. At every moment where there is bad environment at my home, I lose my concretion and forget what I have to do. I sit for three-four hours and no progress was there. I used to sit in library at school at that moment I did well and covered lot of my syllabus. What I did in library in one hour, I couldn’t do in one day at my home.
What I did in exams was all due to my studies, I do at school library. My mom never understands me she always loves my brother a lot as he is the only son at my home. She only scolds me if my brother is doing mistake. My father does not think how his family is? And is generally busy in his life. Nobody bothers about me because of the reason I’m girl.
Sometimes at school my teachers asked me the reason of not completing the assignment and I become silent and answer “I was not well”. Then my teachers answer told” if the student like you will not do well then what we will expect from others? I make my eyes down and sometimes I cry a lot in alone. I always wanted to be the best and want my teachers to appreciate me. I do not want my teachers to have any complaint with me in any case.
It was my final twelth ICSE exam, I used to prepare exams in kitchen in lamp light and sit for long hours for the studies.
I do not know what I did in exams. But in appearing exam was because of my hard work I was studying by ignoring all my home conditions and tolerating all bad behavior. I was doing adjustments at my own home that generally people do in other’s home. I was considering it is in my luck and I have to keep tolerance power.
It was the time when my result was near, it was announced and I was the second topper in my class.
I wanted to come in first but I felt satisfied in that rank too.

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