Nothing is Greater than Parents

I was living at my hometown with my grand father and grand mother. They took care of me. After some time, my mom dad came there and told me to go with them at my own home.


I said: – I will not go. This is my home and I will live here only.

They told to my grandmother and grandfather to make me ready to go with them but I was not agreeing. I did not take them my Parents. For me, my grandfather, Grandmother, and my aunt-uncle are my mother father. I consider them only my Parents.

But my Parents forcefully brought me with them and I started weeping bitterly.My grandfather, grand mother and my uncle-aunt also started crying.My mom dad held my hand and took me with them.


In whole bus I was crying and saying: – I do not want to go, I don’t want to go…

My mom slapped me and then I started crying in my heart and slowly.

I reached at home and I started missing my aunt-uncle, grandfather-grand mother. Whenever I listen bus horn or car horn I thought my uncle has come to take me. And it was fact he really came once to take me as it was not difficult but impossible for my aunt –uncle to live without me but my mom did not sent me with them. My uncle was going back and I hold his hand.

I was crying a lot and was saying: – Papa please take me with you. My home is there. I was repeating this again and again.  He also shed tears in his eyes; He fought with my real Parents. My mom scolded me and told me to go to other room.


Now I have grown up. My uncle and aunt are no more. I miss my aunt-uncle a lot till now. They were my loving and caring Parents.

One day my mom asked me:- Till now we are nothing to you. You still take your aunt-uncle to your mother father. We are doing everything for you.


I said: – I know you have done a lot for me. You  have spent your lot of money in my studies. Many of children have left their studies due to financial problem and I never faced this problem. Even I did not know when my fee got paid in my college. Thanks mom. You did a lot for me.


She replied: – Dear , This is our responsibility. Please don’t say thanks. Many years have been spent but still you don’t have love for your real Parents. We brought you here because of your studies only. As your aunt uncle were not caring your studies. Even you did not know anything when we brought you from your hometown. You did not know counting even.

I said: – Mom but they never did partiality with me. I was not their daughter but they loved me more than their own daughter. Their heart was clean. I know you did this to educate me.


My mom said: – But we all love you Dear.

I said Mom: – It’s ok mom. Now many years have been passed. And I know you cares me too much now than in my childhood time. You are doing a lot for me now.

One day I had a dream that I’m going away from my real Parents also. I was crying in the dream.

My mom came and told: – Dear , what happened? Wake up!

I awaked and I hugged my mom.

I said: – Sorry Mom, don’t go away from me.

After the dream I got fear that my real Mom-Dad will also leave me. So I’m staying lovingly with my Mom Dad.

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