A love- which was never fulfilled

My name is Ananya (Changed Name ) ! This is the brief outlook of my love story. I was preparing for Indian engineering service (IES). One day I went to pantaloons with my dad for shopping. I found some of my B.Tech friends in the showroom. It was really great to meet all of them. They were planning  to go on a trip to the hill station and asked me to come. I agreed to go with them.

I went to trip and I was playing a game with them but it seemed difficult for me to mix up with all of them from very starting, I spent time in reading books only. I went to sleep and they continued to playing.

One of my friends Aaron came to me and asked: – What are you doing here?

I said nothing: – You play now and I will join tomorrow.

He said: – Ok may be you are tired in traveling.

We reached at our destination and there was the party.

I was thinking I should go or not.

Aaron asked:- What happened ? Still thinking?

I replied:- I don’t know Aaron but I think I can do only studies and no other talent.

He said:–  You came alone with us and was ready for mountain climbing. You travelled alone with your entire batch mates in this long journey. You are very brave and you are all rounder.

Be prepared and come.


I attended the party. My name came with Aaron to dance. We did well. It was really enjoyable to attend the party.

Now it was the day to do mountain climbing. Aaron met me in between the path. He was with some girl I ignored him and moved ahead.

He reached to me and told: – Ananya you are very fast in everything in studies, in climbing, in walking etc. You wanna first in this contest also? You saw me with that girl and increased your speed more.

I said: – I have no time for flirts like you have.

Aaron said: – I know. You can not do flirts?

I replied: – What?

He said: – You can not do flirts with anyone or no one can do with you. As you are made for love Ananya. Girls like you are for true love and that is not good for my health. Love is all about to sacrifice and to eat same rice for whole life and I want change in my life.

I looked at him and moved.


I was just about to reach at the top but Aaron did cheating and came first. I came to know about it.

 I said: – This is cheating Aaron?

He told: – You always come at top. Learn how it feels to be on the second position Ananya…


Finally we both reached at the top of the mountain and  were standing there. We looked at each other and we both had a cool smile on our face. We were taking a long refreshing breathe.

I took only one name on the top and that was “Aaron”.


Aaron had a dream to go to foreign to make his career well. So I never showed him that I started liking him.

I know Aaron will never come back and I’m also not waiting for him.

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