after marriage problems – english story

My name is…. I live in Amritsar. When I was in Post Graduation I started loving a boy who was working in a company. Somehow, he came to know that I am interested in him. He proposed me and I accepted his proposal. When I completed the post graduation, my parents started thinking about my marriage. They suggested me many matches but I was interested in none as there was someone else in my mind. One day, I openly told them that I want to get marry with the boy to whom I love. I told them about the boy. They did not like that boy because his status was lower than our family’s social status.. I got married with him against the wishes of my parents. As they had not whole heartedly accepted that boy but as they loved me the most they allowed me to marry to him. After some days of marriage, I came to know that the boy with whom I have got married is impotent. He had not the ability for giving the birth of a baby. Whenever I came close to him, he pushed me away by saying that I am not interested in these type of things. I concealed this matter from my parents for full one year. He does not like my parents. He often tells me not to talk with your parents. But is it possible for me to break parents. But is it possible for me to break all the relations with the persons with whom I have spent my childhood and youth. Now he does not want to live with me as he has completely frustrated from his life. When I discussed about all these things to my parents.They blamed me for all that which was going on as I had gone against my parents wishes for marriage they do not want me to live with my husband. Although he is impotent but he is my husband. There is a bond of emotions between us. Now they want me to get marry with someone else as they say that there is not any my bright future by living with such type of guy. But I do not want to marry again. Suggest me the best way which could lead me the best in my future.

Posted By .. Alka

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