my stepmother – heart touching story

My name is ….. I live in Chandigarh. I am studying in +2. my mother died when I was just one year old. My father brought me up. He worked very hard to provide me the best education. As my father was the only son of my grand father & grandmother they started forcing him for the marriage. I was in fourth class at that time when my father got married under the influence of his parents. In the beginning my step mother loved me a lot. But as the time passed she gave birth to a baby boy and her love to be diminished she does not spare even a small part of her daily life for me. As I am growing I need my mother’s attention toward me. But she keeps herself away from me. Although my father loves me a lot but he has started loving the new born baby also. Everybody in the home keep their selves busy in watching the baby’s activities. With the coming of a new baby in our home, my father’s attention toward me has decreased. Now he feels that I have grown up now and I do not need his assistance any more. But which is absolutely wrong. I sometime feel the home which belonged to me absolutely few years back does not belong to me now any more. I do not share my feeling with anybody in my home. They never realize that I am suffering from some problems. Had my mother alive I would have discussed the whole things related to my life with her. Although my step mother awakes me up in the morning, prepares breakfast for me but I have never experienced the warmth in all her activities which she does for me. Sometime, I feel I should run away from my resizing place to some another place as I can not tolerate which is going on in front of my eyes. I sometime discuss the things related to my family with my best friend which gives me much relief but whenever I enter my home I do not feel fine. My father sometime sits near me to ask if there is any problem. But I do not tell him anything out of frustration. What should I do . suggest me the best possible way which could change my life.

Posted By Mayank

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