blood relation verses tongue spoken relation

This is my story. I’m 60 years old lady. This is my true story. I was happily living with my family. My husband was too great and we both were very caring for each other. We had two children one is boy and one is girl. Our family was like that we got everything and no need of anything now. We were enjoying every moment. One day when I and my husband were young, we were going to temple and we found that there was a little boy was selling flowers and religious books to the people coming in temple. At the same time he had books with him. He sat at someplace and started reading that books and kept flowers on the other side.
My husband talked him and the conversation was like this:-
My husband asked to him: – What is your good name? What you are doing here beta?
He said: – My name is Varun. Uncle I sell flowers. Will you buy it?
My husband told: – Very nice name beta! Yeah my husband purchased all flowers and books from him.
My husband asked him: – Why are you selling all this. You should concentrate only on your studies.
He answered: – Uncle I have no parents. So I do this work of selling flowers and to earn money.
And I take my academic books from that money.
My husband told him to leave the work and welcomed him to our home. He told his daughter and son that he is your brother. He took all responsibilities of that boy. He admitted him in a school.
He never did partiality between our real children and him. But I never loved him like my son. My husband wanted him to consider his son, so I was behaving well with him. But where the matter of my children came, I favored my children only.
He never missed the father’s love but yeah he cry sometimes by missing his mother. I ignore all that moments. I used to celebrate my real children birthday, and gave priority to my children’s only.
After 23 years my all children got young and married. We enjoyed their marriage. They settled at the different places. Our daughter got married and settled in London with her husband who was working as scientist. My real son was also settled in Bangalore with his wife. And Varun was living in Hyderabad. Generally my husband talked to him in skype. I never talk to Varun
After one or two years my husband died because of an attack. I lost him and found myself alone. I was preparing myself to go to my son’s home. And my son and my daughter in law asked me “where are you going”?
I replied: – With you beta. And who have I in whole world except you?
My son and daughter in law were looking at each other.
I thought what happened? Why are they reacting like this?
At the moment my daughter in law told:-Mom what will you do there? We have no time to stay at home. I and my husband both stay outside whole day for work.
You please stay at your home.
I got tears in my eyes and my bag fell down from my hands.
At the same time Varun came to me and told “Mom Please do not cry. Papa is not with us, but if you will cry if it will hurt him a lot. Try to give peace to his spirit”.
He and his wife told me:- Mom lets go to Hyderabad. We both are alone there and want our mom with us to guide us time by time .we need you. Please mom, give me your bag. They hold my bag and my husband photo with them and placed it in a car. That day I felt for regret what I was doing with him? All through the way, I kept on asking myself why did I not him like my real son.

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