Sacrificed First Love

Sacrificed first Love – Very Emotional Story (Sacrifice of love)!!

I , Alisha (Changed Name ) and Alina (Changed Name ) are best friends. We were studying in the same college and same class. There was our intro today at our college. That was our first day. We were sharing a same room at hostel.
In our class we have many friends and we enjoy a lot with friends. There was a fresher’s day at our college. Our seniors also came there. We celebrated that day too much.
There was our senior named Alice (Changed Name ). There was a fun game running in the fresher’s party. He made a joke pointing to my friend Alina. She got angered and told” What he thinks? I will take revenge from him” there were many girls in the batch but why he considered me for making a joke”.

One day there was a speech day. It was Alice’s turn to go to the stage and to speak something.
Alina was in anger and she placed the banana slice in his way to the stage.
I told her to not do this as there is everybody at college, Our professors, Our batch mates and he is our senior. It is the general joke and is a fun game and everybody knows this. But I told her this is not the game and a serious speech time. It will insult him and its result can be very bad.
Alina told: – I don’t know anything. what I said I will do it.
I remained silent and said nothing!
She did it what she wanted.
Alice was going to the stage, and in the meantime our Principal called him to come to him first.
He went from other way to the stage as Principal sir was on the opposite side of the stage. Co incidentally he changed his way to reach the stage.
Alice was topper of his batch and very intelligent guy. His rank always came in 1st ten positions in all over colleges of the Punjab technology university.
Alina was as usual angry with Alice and wanted to take revenge.
She made many plans like this but no one was successful.
One day there was the seminar in the college and Alice gave that seminar. We all attended that seminar.
Seminar was finished. We all were leaving the hall.
In the meantime Alice came there. He talked to us. Alina was angry with him and went from there.
Alice talked to me:- hi Alisha!
I said: – Hi
Alice:-Is she your friend?
I said: – Yes. she is very nice.
Alice: – Seriously??
I said:-what?
He answered: – Nothing. I’m joking only.
I told: – It’s ok.
He asked:-You are in same batch. Hey you are really a decent girl. I really liked your voice in fresher’s party. You sing very well.
I answered: – No I was only trying to sing.
Alice: – But it was nice.
I looked at him and he also looked at me.
We both were silent and went from there.

As time passed Alina started looking out his qualities. And then she started talking to Alice.
One day at night we were sleeping at our room.
Alina told me:- Alisha I want to say you something.
I said yes tell
She told: – Alisha …I like Alice.
At that time there was dark in room and it was good because what she told was exactly my feeling for Alice.
Tears started flowing from my eyes. She switched on the light and asked me what happened? Why you are crying.
I answered:- Nothing. Only the reason that now you will get close to Alice and will forget me.
She hugged me.
Next day we went college.
Alice met me and proposed me. I refused him and I said: “I don’t like you”.
He was continuously looking at me and I just left the place.
I came to my room and cried a lot as I liked him a lot but refused him for Alina.

Love Sacrifice story Posted By Sonia

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