Discrimination- Real Pain of a Girl

My name is Shivani (Changed Name) . I am from Talwara. I have four sisters and one brother. I am the eldest among them. My father’s occupation is agriculture and mother is house wife. I often helps my mother is household works and helps my father in the farms also. Along with it I teach tuitions to the students of our street pay my school fees. My parents had always longing for the son. That is why; my mother gave birth to five girls because of the lust of having son. My parents do not experience the same sort of affection which they experiences for their son. They often neglect us. They do not pay any attention to our studies. Although, we all sisters have interest in studies yet they a single pen my on it. In the other hand, they have got our brother admitted in one of the best school of our area. They pay extra attention to his studies yet he is weak in studying. They fulfill his every desire. They do not provide us sufficient food but my mother always tries to give something to my brother although he does not want to eat. I often think why do the parents discriminate on the basis of s*x.

One day, I said to my father that I want to do M.A. my father refused for it as he wanted me to continue teaching and support family financially. Now I am doing M.A. privately. My parents always consider their daughters as liabilities. My father often says that what is the use of teaching the girls as they would be married of and after marriage they are supposed to help their in laws only.
I want to tell about my cousin also. She is married. Her parent’s behaviour too was like my parents toward her. As she is my very good friend she always consults everything with me. Her in- laws are dowry seekers they insult her again and again for bringing dowry. But her parents are not so rich that they could fulfill their demands. She even does not want to live with her in-laws. But her parents are not ready to take her back in her parental home because they consider that her in-law’s home is just her home. It does not matter for them how her in-law’s treat with her. I often weep while thinking about her condition
I do not know when would our society change and suitable place would be given to the girl.

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