Efforts to get True love

My name is Rima (Changed Name ) . I was studying in Engineering college . One day me and my friends arranged a trip to Kulu-manalli. My friends asked me to go there. I answered “No” as I know my father is very strict and will never agree to allow me to go there. I can convince my mom but to convince my dad was very difficult. So I refused to go on a trip.
But my friends wanted me to go with them so they came to my home and asked my Parents to permit me to go. They convinced my dad and said that “we all are friends going there. And we will stay in one of my friend neha’s home. She is very nice and belongs to very good family.” My dad also got agreed and permitted me to go there. I had no words for my happiness and I prepared my luggage to go.
We all awoke an early in the morning and left for our trip. We all friends were together and booked the seats in train. We all took our seat. At the same time some boys came there and told us to leave the seat because it was their seat. One of them was Anil (Changed Name ) and he started arguing with us and told us to show the ticket.
I told him: – why we will show our ticket? You show us. We are already in our seat. You are standing.
He showed us his ticket and that ticket was proving that it was their seat.
It was really very sad for me. I asked one of my friend who had got the seats booked and asked her” Yar you should confirm at least.
We changed our seat.
At last me and my friend reached there and enjoyed a lot. We met same guys again. We ignored all of them and moved ahead.
One of our friends fell down and we saw she had fever. We did not know where the hospital is. We asked one of the old people there, he also didn’t know. There were almost all tourists came so no one knews. At the moment Anil came and told us to go with them.
I said: – No, No need. We can find ourself.
He said ok and went.
I and my friends were searching. At front we saw a car and we found the Anil in the car. He played the horn one or two times. After five minutes, we sat in the car. We reached hospital and gave medicine to my friend.
We left for our neha’s home so that our friend can take rest.
She was well now and next day we went for kulu at some good river side. We enjoyed there and captured pictures in beautiful poses. Again we saw Anil.
He met me and told me:- At least you should say thanks to me.
I replied: – Ok thanks.
He said: – Hey I like your way of arguing with me.
I moved from there.
My friends asked me what he was saying.
I told: – Nothing, he is mad.
They said: -May be he has first sight love with you and is making pranks.
They told me say yes to him. He is a good guy and very handsome too.
I told them: – Lets go? Leave this topic.
We went from there and visited many places in kulu manali.
At night we reached home and I was thinking whole night for Anil.
In next morning, we all went to Temple and again Anil was there.
I didn’t see him.
He asked me:- why are you ignoring me?
Hey I know your dad is very strict and that’s why you are refusing me. But believe me, your father will find me best partner for you.
And really he did many efforts to impress my family and did all work that was difficult. Even my father beat him. But he was always silent. I told my father that “I can’t live without her”.
Atlast Anil was leaving for his home and last time came to meet me. I cried and was saying my father”let me go with him”.
Anil was at the door and my father said me “ Rima go!! Nobody can love you more than him”.
I was surprised and looked at my father.
He again said Go. And I went towards Anil.

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