Fate verses effort – incomplete love story

My name is Ankush (Changed Name) . I am from Delhi. I am 25 years old. I have done M.C.A and am doing job in one of the reputed company of our area. When I was in B.C.A, I started loving the girl of my class whose name was Aradhana. She was very beautiful and attractive I was so involved in relationship with her that I did not think about any other girl and her feelings for me were also true. Our friendship continued in M.C.A and even after that.

After her M.C.A, she joined job in a company and her parents started finding a suitable guy for her. As I was in love with her, I wanted to marry her. So once I discussed about Aradhana with my parents for the marriage. They said that if I like the girl then they have no objection regarding that as my parents are very broad minded. I felt myself quite happy at that time and the luckiest person on the earth. I conveyed this news to Aradhana, she too felt extremely happy as she too was interested in me.

Now I told Aradhana to discuss about me in her family. As her parents were of very orthodox views so she always scared to discuss about me in her family. So it was my turn to do something to convince her parents for her marriage with me. So first of all, I convinced my father for going in to Aradhana’s along with me so that he could ask for Aradhana’s hand for me. My papa got ready as my papa is the sweetest papa on the earth.

So I want along with my father in Aradhana’s so. I had told Aradhana one day earlier that I will come in their home along with my dad. But she was taking it very lightly and was thinking that I was telling lie so, the next day, when I reached near her home’s gate; she was surprised to see me with my father. She greeted my father and went inside the room. Papa and I went in their drawing room and told us to sit on sofa and asked about our selves. My papa introduced himself and told them that he has come in their home because he likes their daughter and want to get her married with her son. (Pointing at me). I was very nervous and was continuously thinking what would be their reaction about it. His father inquired about my family, property, home and at last about me and to great surprise gave approval to my papa’s desire. I felt very happy then Aradhana was brought in the room. She was looking much worried but when she came to know that her Papa has got ready for her marriage with me, she felt relaxed and cool. So by my efforts I was able to win the heart of her parent’s and they got ready to get her daughter married to me.

But destiny had written something else in my fate. Our engagement’s date was fixed. We had dreamt many dreams for the engagement and planned a lot but unfortunately, two days before the date of our engagement, my beloved had an accident when she was coming from her working place to her home. She was taken in the hospital. Her condition became very critical and we shifted her in another hospital. I was continuously praying to God for saying her but she died there. That day was the most sorrowful do for me as I felt that I lost everything which I had got till that age. I did as much efforts as I could do but destiny had some another wish. Which I was supposed to obey.

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