Love for the family

My name is Jatinder Singh (changed Name). I am in abroad. I am from village in bathinda district from Punjab. Because my parents were very poor, so I left the study in the tenth class to support my family. I had three sisters and I was the eldest in the family. My father was suffering from some disease and was not able to go to work. So the whole burden of the family fell on my shoulders. My uncle was in abroad, so my mother requested him to call me in the abroad so that I could earn money there and send that in the family.

At that time, I was in the tender age of seventeen. I had much interest in studies but it was not written in my luck. So I decided of going to abroad for earning money to support the family. My uncle sent visa for me and I was about to leave India for England. My family although loved me much but was happy as I was going to England for becoming and helping hand for them.

I reached there. For a month I did not find any work. But when I found the work it was very menial job which I even do not want to tell here. After that I started sending money in the family. I missed my whole family and friends while living in England. I worked hard for earning money. After eight months. Since I left my village and reached England came to know that my father has passed away on the telephone. I wept a lot but there was nobody who could console me. I was not able to see even my dead father. I felt myself very unlucky but it was out of wish that I was living in abroad. My mother consoled me a lot on phone. Really those days were very difficult for me to spend. In abroad but I had not any other option. I desired to get back at India but could not.

Now three years have passed since I came in England. I have earned much to support my family. But I do not want to leave England because I am earning here. I think if I go back to India, then what would I do there. Money which I have collected now will be spent soon. I am also not so qualified that I could get job at some good place and earn for my family.

Inwardly, I hate living in abroad but it is just
For the love of my family that I am live there. I can do everything for keeping my family happy. I do not want that any India should live like me in abroad. We should go abroad but only after completing their studies.

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