First love can not be true always

My name is Ranjana (Changed Name ) . This is my true story. I was living with my mother father and my sister. I was studying in a school. One day I was coming from school I saw some boy working as a farmer. We daily met each other. One day he talked to me, asked my name and I answered him. I also asked his name and he told me his name is Arjun (Changed Name ) and same procedure was continued for four months. We started liking each other. He proposed me one day. I said this to my mom-dad that I want to marry with that guy. They refused and told that guy is not well settled and only working as a farmer. And what is the salary of farmer. Do work whole day for a small amount of money. My family wants me to study further and to educate me so that I can be an independent girl. But I was in love with him and I think he is my first love. I ran away from home to marry with Arjun. We got married. We lived happily for 10 or 15 days only. He had very less salary in which it was difficult to survive. After that we fought daily small reasons. And these issues were increasing day by day. Arjun’s Parents were also complaining us that we do not give anything to home like what we earn we spend on us, But our earnings were like nothing. Arjun hardly earned 5 thousand rupees per month or maximum upto 9000k and not much than this. His Parents also told us to leave the home. We were living in a small village area in a small one room set.
After some time I got a son. I was happy but it was difficult to look after him as we had no money. I was tensed for him how I would take all responsibilities of my son. Arjun was also happy and loved his son a lot. But the daily issues between us never finished. We had very small screen LCD that we purchased for our son. We brought many toys also to keep him happy.
As usual we fought one day a lot. Arjun was scolding me and talking to me at a very high pitch. I cried and I only cried. He broke the LCD in anger. LCD screen got totally damaged and it was not in condition to work again. Now LCD warranty was also not finished and Arjun damaged it so badly.
One day I went to my home, met my parents. After a long time, I and my Parents saw each other .they felt happy. They asked me how I am? But what I could say them .I replied I’m fine but mother’s eyes can read everything. She judged I’m not ok and have some problems.
I told her all truth and cried a lot. My mother told me to leave Arjun, “Come back we are still with you”.
I said ok but I had son with me. I can leave Arjun but not my son. My mother told me you have to leave him then only you can keep yourself happy again.
I told my mother “Can you leave me mom”. My mother became silent. I told my son values for me like I value for you. I can do anything for my son, even I can beg but I cannot leave him.
I came back to my husband’s home and I’m living with my husband for my son only.

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