my success story

My name is varun (Changed Name ) . I am from Chennai. My father and mother both are doctors. I am now of 26 years. I was just of 7 years when my mom – dad got separated. I had never seen them sharing each other’s feelings as others do. They always were fighting when ever I saw them. So they got separated. Actually my mother was of modern thinking. She was in the habit of going to the clubs and coming late at night. My father did not like that all both of my parents did not pay even a little bit attention toward me even before separation.

My father got married to a doctor whose practice was going on in Canada and my mother too did not lag behind and she too got married with a rich business man. Throughout my life I always missed the love of my mom dad. It was only my grandfather who gave me support at every step of my life.

When I used to go in my friend’s and home saw how their parents take care of then I always felt jealous from them. My father and mother did not call me even for a single time after separation. I shared everything with my father. As my grandfather was illiterate, I studied myself and was not good in studies because of disintegrated personality due to the lack of love from parent’s side. When I was in 10th class, I failed. My grand father felt too bad when I failed because I was only hope for him. He encouraged me to study with love and affection and I understood the feelings of my grandfather and worked hard for clearing the exams of tenth class. This is the time of my life when I felt what hard work is and only inspiration behind it was my old grand father.

I worked hard for getting good marks throughout day and night. My grandfather too awoke with me when I was studying through the night because I were very coward. When the result was out I stood first in the district. After that my grandfather started feeling proud of me after completing matriculation I choose non – medical stream and passed all the classed with good marks. After it I cleared the competitive exam for becoming engineer and got selected in a reputed company of my area.

I daily commute from my working place to my home although there is much difference between my home and my work place just because of my grand father. Now I have received an offer for the job of engineer from United States of America. But I do not want to accept it because I do not want to leave my grandfather alone in India. What is the use of that money which take me away from my grandfather. Really the love of grandparents is our asset for the children and I do not want to miss that love. I do not want to leave that person who was the chief inspiration behind my success may God grant a long life to my grand father.

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