Pain in Love – very painful story

My name is Anand (Changed Name ) . I am from Chennai. I had never expected that I would confess on this side as I had never thought that I would ever be in such a painful state. Today is the most painful and the worst day of my life when I am sharing my worst experience with you. I was in love with a girl. She met me one year ago in a marriage. She was looking very beautiful. I could not resist myself for talking to her. I fell in love with her at very first sight. I did not think about anybody over that place, went near her and proposed her but unlikely she rejected my proposal on the ground that she does not know anything about me. She said”, how could she trust any guy about whom she does not know anything at all”. After saying these words, she went away from that place where I was standing leaving me all alone. I thought that this girl would be very arrogant and might have pride on her beauty or she could have some limitations also that is why she is not getting ready for the friendship with me. A number of questions arose in my mind. I thought that perhaps I am not handsome. So I took back my steps.

But to my great surprise, I saw her in the computer center where I was taking coaching. She was new student over there. She started talking to me on seeing me. We were just friend. I never told her that I am in love with her as I was of the view that her behaviour would be the same as she behaved earlier. So I kept my feelings up to myself only. One day, she took my phone no. from me and sent a message. I was very happy when I read her message I felt that she too is interested in me and just want to take time for understanding me and after that she want to have friendship with me. After that I started calling and messaging her. We started calling each other almost daily. Really those days were the happiest days of my life. (missing) lives. Those days I can never forget. I was getting positive wives from her an she said”Yes”. Really that moment was the best moment of my life when I got her that very message my heart beat increased and I felt myself at a loss to do what to do I could not find the words to write the another message as I was extremely happy. So we decided of going on the date. We went at the appointed place and enjoyed a lot.

But due to very bad luck, our relation started becoming from bad to worse. Actually an understanding occurred between us. She started thinking that I am in love with some other girl. But I had not love for any girl of the world except her I tried to convince her for many times. But she never understood. One day, she started blaming me for everything and a big fight took place between us and she said that she does not want to continue friendship with me and want break up and left me alone over there. I was fully shattered at that place. Now I am not able to forget that girl because I am still in love with her. But she never called me and never does she pick up my phone. She has broken all the contacts with me. My heart is completely broken. I love her more than any other thing on the earth and want her at any cost. Please guys help me and suggest me what should I do for creating love in her heart for me.

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