Pain of love – incomplete true love story

My name is priya (Changed Name ) . I am from sonipat. I had a friend sapna (Changed Name ). There was much understanding between us. We shared everything with each other from our childhood to our youth we studied in the same school and even when we grew young we took admission and followed the same stream of commerce. There was a boy in our class whose name was rajan (Changed Name). He was very friendly to both of us. At many times I realized that he is interested in me but I was not sure about it. With the passage of time, I started liking him but had not the courage to ask him if he too feels like that I feel.

He had applied for the visa of Italy and his visa was approved and one day he told both of us that he is going to Italy with in a month. I was shocked to know about it. But sapna did not pay much attention to him. We gave him parting gift also when it was his last day in the college as on the next he was supposed to go to Italy. He assured us that he would call both of us even after reading Italy. As I was in love with him, whenever he called me I always listened to him with interest but sapna never paid any need to his matters. So I always got much time to talk with him on phone. One day I committed with myself that I would tell about my feelings to him. So I asked him on phone what type of girl would he like for the marriage. He started telling about the physical description of the girl with whom he would marry. Then I asked him if he likes any girl. I had full hope that he would call my name but to my utter surprise he said ‘sapna’. Tears started shedding from my eyes on listening it.

I started condemning my self for not getting it clear earlier. Now it was clear to me that my love was only one sided. After that that guy asked me for helping him for getting close to sapna. Although I did not want to do that but I helped them. After that they choose me for telling about their families about their feelings. By keeping stone on my heart I did that even and their families get ready for their marriage. Now he and sapna are married and living happily in Italy and enjoying life fully but I am alone here in India with broken hearted.

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