Real Love Confession

Here i am sharing my real love confession .

Plz post this …admin I was in relationship for 2nd half years it was all good going ..truth love..understanding..concern..everything was perfect. in it’s place …He promised me he’ll be my side …He even was proud of ours relationship. ..even his family knew about me ..but his family rejected me so everything changed. .He started avoiding me. He even end up having affair with other girl …I was broken when I knew about this ..I broke up with him …All I want to ask him 1 thing is …If u were not making yours future with me den y u gave me so much hopes …I feel shamed on myself for loving u …I was even okie if u avoiding me because of family but u ditched me by having affair with other gal staying with me … don’t u feel bad for me..don’t u feel like I was hurt ..but it’s end now .Now I m a stranger with all yours fake stories. .hope u read this post (my bee?) Can’t forget you. Because u own my heart …


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