Wife as cheater – based on true story

My Cheater Wife – my true story : My name is Vineet Kohli (Changed Name ). Here I am sharing my Cheater wife and my true love story with you . I am from puna. I am of thirty years old. I am married. My married took place one year ago. My wife is very beautiful but I am not so handsome. She does not like me at all. I have never seen love in her eyes for me. She always find something or the other to fight with me. I do not know why she not understands that I am his husband and she should have feelings for me. I did not have physical relations with her. Once I tried to express my feelings toward her. But she did not pay any attention and started ignoring me. After my marriage, I thought that she would start loving me with the passage of time. But that did not happen at all.

She does not like to sleep on bed with me even. I feel myself frustrated due to it. She is in the habit of going to her parental home. One day I told her that why does she not want to have physical relations with me. Then she said that she does not want the babies as she is studying. After completing her study, only then she could think about that. I did not tell you earlier that she is doing Post graduation in a college. As she had told me before marriage, that she wants to complete her post graduation, after to the college because I had too much respect of her feelings.

One day, she went in to her parental home without telling me in anything- because of the fight which took place between us due to some petty issue. I went in to her parental home for inquiring about her and to bring her in the home by convincing her. When I reached them I asked my mother in law about tisha (my wife). She told me that she has gone in her friend’s home for some work and she would come with in a few minutes. So I sat on sofa and started waiting for her. I called her for many times but she did not pick up my phone. I thought that she is angry with me because of the fight which took place between us the last night so, I did not call her one hour passed, then two hours end then three but she did not come in the home. I was anxious to know about her where about. Lastly, I thought a plan. I took the phone of my friend (he was also with me at that time) and called her. A guy picked up the phone and asked who are you”? I said, I am an insurance agent and want to talk to mam. I told him that I have a scheme which I want to tell her for investing the money. When I asked again for the mam then that guy told me that he is his husband and he would convey the message to her and they would consult him for the insurance company.

At 9:00 P.M., tisha (My Cheater Wife ) entered in the home. I had already come to know where she was so I did not ask even a single question from her. She was surprised to see me sitting on the sofa of her home. When her parents inquired about her coming late, then she told that she reached late because of the traffic jam.

Now I have come to know what reality is and why my wife does does not come near me. I have got the answer of my every question. Sometimes, I think of taking divorce from my wife and marrying some another girl. But I could not leave my wife as I think what people would think about me if I take divorce from her. Moreover I love her although my wife loves some one else (and cheat me ). Please guys suggest me what should I do as my life I on stake and I am much worried about my future.

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