Examination – Real Funny Story

My name is Vikram (Changed name ) . I am from Sultanpur Lodhi. I am of 22 years old. I want to share an experience of my life with you. It was the time when I was in graduation doing B.A third year. Our exams were going on. It was my English paper. I did not ever like English because I was never able to understand it. I was much scarred when there was our English paper. I had not hope of passing this exam as I had not prepared for it. So I made slips of important questions and went in to the examination hall. Our invigilator was very kind person. Moreover he was known to me. So he allowed us for asking each other if there was any problem regarding any of the questions. I had slips. I picked up one slip from my socks and started doing the paper. The invigilator had seen me but he allowed me to do so. I had just started doing the paper, and then the flying squad came. I got panicked. My invigilator asked me for putting the slip in his (invigilator’s) pocket. As he was telling it to me by signs, I could not understood it properly and put the slip in supervisor’s pocket. Everybody had seen me and they started laughing supervisor too came to know about it. When he searched in to his pocket, he got slip in it which I had put. When he asked who put the slip in his pocket, a student of the class told about me. I started trembling with fear. He came near me and asked me for standing up. He holds up me by the ear and took my answer sheet and told me for leaving the examination hall. I started crying. I had never faced this type of situation in my life.

It was the first time that I was using slips in the paper. I went out of the examination hall but kept standing out of the hall. My invigilator came near me and asked me for asked sorry from the superintendent by touching his feet. I did the same. After much time, he got agreed and I was given the answer sheet back. I started doing the paper although very less time was left. I did only those questions which I could solve related to the grammar part. But when the result came out, I came to know that I was pass in the subject of English although I passed that paper only on points really that invigilator helped me a lot in the completion of my graduation. Had he not been there or not asked for feeling sorry from the superintendent then I would have never been able to complete my graduation.

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