My Confusion – real confession by bhabi

My name is Sarika (Changed Name) . I am from Punjab. (Famous as Delhi wali bhabi ) I got married few months back. My husband is a computer engineer. He comes only at the week ends at home. The whole family is very co-operative. Everybody sows much concern toward me. My sister in – law is unmarried and she is very caring she shares everything linked to her life with me. We both spend a lot of time together and chat. I never feel boring in my in-laws house. My husband too is very co-operative. He got much more in him than I was told before my marriage. He fulfills my every demand.

One day, my sister in-law told me that she is in love with a guy and she wants to marry him and told me to keep it as secret and never disclose this thing to anyone. She is marriageable age and family is finding a suitable guy for marriage for her. Actually, the guy to whom she loves is from our family’s relatives. So our sub castes are same. So the Family would never get ready for the marriage.

She takes my help whenever she desires to meet that guy. Once she even took me in that guy’s home where he and his family served us well. She often keeps herself busy on phone for talking to that guy. I have never discussed this thing with my husband. Three months have passed since I came to know about this. Sometimes. I feel that I am cheating my husband and my in laws by helping my sister – in – law for meeting her boy friend and not telling about it to anybody. But on the other hand i think what would happen if I tell it to my husband as he does not like these type of things at all. Moreover, I will loose my sister-in-law’s trust in me also.

But if I do not tell it to anyone, then my sister – in – law’s future becomes insecure. I have advised her many times for leaving that guy but she does not understand it. She starts weeping whenever I suggest her for forgetting him. She is of the view that she would not get marry with anyone except him.

Many suiters come in our home for her marriage but she does not agree for the marriage to any guy. It does not matter for her whether that guy has qualities or not.

I am sure that one day, everybody would come to know about it. Then everybody would ask me if I had been told about it already then why did I not disclose it to anyone. Then I would loose interest of everyone and even of my husband. Really, it becomes very difficult for a lady after marriage how to tackle the problems. Because she is supposed to think about everyone in the family while taking any of the decision.

(I think i was her bhabhi and i was full responsible for my wrong step , so i want to confess my felling in front of you )

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