First Love – Real Story

My name is Armaan (Changed Name ) . I am of 25 years old. I was in Love with a girl. Our relation continued for two years. She always supported me in every work. As I was with out parents only. Her support brought me to the place where I am now. Now I am a Mechanical engineer. I have one sister. She is married in America. I often discussed about my girl friend ( Neha Changed Name) with my sister. She had no problem regarding my affair with Neha. She even suggested me for marrying neha.

But neha had told me that her parents are from very orthodox. They would not let her marry with the boy of another caste as my caste was different from her. I went into their home. I tried a lot to convince her parents for neha’s marriage with me. But they did not agree and said that they would not lot her daughter marry in another caste and said that what would their relatives say when they come to know about it. But I did not continue my contact with neha. After some time, her parents got her married with a guy who was ten years elder than her neha did not have even a little bit intension to get herself marry with him.

She got agreed to marry with him just because of her parents. Before neha’s marriage, I again had gone in their home to tell them that the guy which they have chosen for her daughter is not suitable for her. But they told me to get out of the home and said me not to interfere in our personal matters. Now I had not anything in my hand. Neha got married. She does not like her husband at all. She daily calls me and tells about his husband. Moreover he is impotent and is in the habit of drinking I really feel too much pained when I think about neha’s lot. I do not know why do the their do the parents not think about the feeling of their daughters. They are always worried about their reputation and what would other think if their daughter get marry with some one out of the caste. Our society should really wake up now. We should keep our self free from the chains of caste and creed. Only by doing this we can live happily and let others live happily.

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