Girl Post Marital Relations

My name is Sonia ( changed name). my husband is in foreign. Four years have passed to my marriage. I have two kids also. One day, I was on Facebook. A boy sent me friend request & I accepted it just for having fun. We exchanged our phone no’s. That boy was four years younger to me. We started talking on phone during nights when my kids used to sleep. He expressed his desire to meet me in a restaurant. I went there just to know what type of guy he is. At that time, he expressed himself as he was truly in love with me. He was wearing that colored which I had told him that is my favorite color. He expressed his desire of marrying me. I was completely shocked to know about it as I was already married. He told me that he is truly in love with me and could not live without me. When I told him I am already married. He said that does not matter much for him. He had brought a gift for me.

He passed that gift to me. At that time, I felt I am just playing with the feelings of someone just for having fun. Then I went back to home. After some time, I felt I too have become addicted to his call. I felt something missing when he did not call me. One night I was on phone talking to him. My kid listened the whole matters which I was talking to him. He started asking me who that guy is to whom I often call at night. I convinced him after some time. My husband has never understood me as he understands me. I do not want to discontinue my friendship with him. But on the other hand, I feel it is not good for a married woman. Suggest me what should I do.

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