Life without parents – Real life Experience

My name is Ruhani (Changed Name ) . I am from Jodhpur. I am the child without parents. I live with my grand mother. My grand mother is everything for me. I do not have brother and sister. My grandmother loves me a lot. She does many efforts to keep me happy. As we are not financially good, she stitches the clothes of the people for paying my school fees although being old. I too have learnt stitching suits while helping her. I was just one month’s old when my mother passed away and my father left me when I was just in sixth class. Really, that time was very tragic for me. My grandmother helps me a lot to come out of grief. She provides me everything whatever I want. Now I am in tenth class and does tuitions also for helping my grandmother financially. I can never thinking of living without her. I have learnt doing hard work and utilizing every moment of the day from her as I always see her busy doing one thing or the other. She can never sit idle.

Whenever, I go in my friend’s homes, I feel myself very happy and relaxed in their company. When I see their parents loving their children, I feel myself unlucky for being without parents but on the same time I thank God for blessing me with such a nice grand mother. She is never angry with me and always inspires me for doing hard work. I want to achieve the great heights of success by doing the studies and want to fulfill her (grandmother’s) every dream. I want to earn money by doing job by which my grandmother can live comfortable life without doing in work as her eye sight is getting less due to stitching still she is involved in it because of me only.

I can never live even a small moment without my grandmother. I have even planned for taking her with me in my in – laws home after my marriage. Before marriage, I would like to make it clear to my in- laws family that I would take my grand mother along with me. if they get ready for it only then I would be ready to get marry.

May God, grant me the spirit of doing hard work and getting success in my life so that I could help my old grand mother in every way.

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