love with bhabhi – english story

My name is….. I am doing P.G.D.C.A in a college. I am in love with my brother’s wife. I am not married. My brothers lives in abroad. From the very first of their marriage I had started liking her. But when my brother went in to England as he had come just for marriage my liking for his wife changed in to love. In the beginning I felt that she too likes me as she paid extra care to me. One day, I was alone in my home. My mother and father had gone in a marriage of our relatives. My bhabhi came home earlier after seeing marriage. She came in to my room to ask if I was in need of something I said ‘No’ as. I had already eaten lunch outside. when she started going outside from my room I blocker her way to ask if she too experiences same type of feelings for me as I do. She did not answer anything & went out of the room. I was very nervous as I was not clear if I had done something wrong by behaving in such a way with her. But on the next day, she came to me in my room & told me that she too is in love with me. We often share everything related to our life with each other but I am fully afraid what would happen if my brother and my family come to know it. We often go outside for having fun. We are fully committed to each other. My parents often advise me for marrying a girl as I am of marriageable age. But I do not want to marry as I am already in love. I often feel if I would be able to experience same type of feeling with some other girl which I am experiencing for whom who belongs to someone else. I know that by doing this I am commuting a sin but I am helpless. I had discussed this thing with my friend. He too advised me of maintaining distance from my brother’s wife as it will prove disastrous for me & for me & for her in future. He too advised me of marrying some another girl as per the wishes of my parents. But I am in complete confusion. I often feel what would happen if my bhabhi would see my would be wife as she is too much committed to me. What should I do. Suggest me the best possible solution of my problem which could prove beneficial for me in my future.

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