my love story in english

My name is…… I am 28 years old. I works in MNC in Chandigarh. Basically, I am from a village in Gurdaspur Distt. My parents want to get me married with a girl who is from the same village but I love a girl who works with me in MNC. I do not want to get marry with some another girl. Moreover with the girl ( with whom I am in love) has decided to get marry with each other. Some day ago, I had told this matter to my parents. But they did not agree to it. They just want me to get marry with the girl who lives in my village. Moreover I am in even physical relation with the girl with whom I am in love. I do not want to cheat her & leave her forever for somebody another. I would never be able to satisfy the needs of my would be wife. I get married with the girl of my parents choice. I do not have any choice. Some times, I think of running away from this place to some another place with my girl friend. I have never seen such attitude of my parents at any time of my life. Place suggest me the best way.


Posted By : Dinesh

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