my real love story

One year ago, when I was in B.A II year, a boy proposed me for friendship. I had n’t any sort of feeling in my heart for him and I said no to him. But with the passage of time, my intimacy developed for him. I could n’t say him ‘yes’ because I was the girl from cultured family. My parents had many expectations from me & they could n’t tolerate if they come to know my involvement with a boy. In my heart, I developed liking for him. He then told my friend, S*****, that, that he loves me the most. My friend started talking about that guy, his behaviour & liking for me. I do not know how with this, my intimacy or liking for him changed in to love. But I did not accept his offer of friendship and concentrated on the exams which were approaching. Now I have completed my graduation. But still I have liking for that person but do n’t have courage to continue to continue my friendship with him. When I think what other I often get panicked people would think about me if they come to know about it. Moreover I do not have any contact with him as I have left my college. I am n’t able to forget him and always shudder when my parents talk about getting me married with another guy should I get marry or keep on living in illusion as I was living earlier.


Posted By A *******


  1. U can marry any others but true love happens once, people do love but in my thinking love happens,

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