Nice to meet him – girls feelings story

My name is isha (Changed Name ) . I was working HR Executive in one of big MNC’s. There is my sister, mom-dad at my home. I had a colleague named Ajeet (Changed Name ) who was also working in the same company. He was my neighbor. We both were living with our families at Delhi. Once I was going to office and Ajeet met me on my way.

He told: – I’m also going to the office. So please sit.
I said: – Ok
He told: – How are you? How’s job?
I replied I’m fine and job is good.
He asked: – So have you passed six months in this company?
I told: – Yeah! And how long you are working here?
He answered: – it’s more than two and half years.

We reached office and I came outside.

I said thanks to him.

One day I was working in office and on my PC ,  a girl came to get the print outs of her some documents.
Our MD came and she saw that documents.
She asked me:- This is the office timings and you are doing your personal work here?
I replied what?
She answered: – See this.
I said it’s not mine.
She started to talk to me at high pitch. Ajeet saw this and told the HR that Isha is right here and this document was not her.
MD told:- You saw her? Why you are favoring her?
He replied:- I’m not favoring her but only saying the truth.
MD was talking badly to Ajeet.
Ajeet told:– See we are your employees and have manners when you talk. As if we need the company for job then the company has also need for employees like us.
We are taking salary in return of the work we are delivering you and we have not shortage of jobs.
Suppose this document is of her then what’s the problem in it if somebody is doing work of her own for 10-15 minutes as we don’t leave at evening at exact off hours and spend 15-20 minutes extra.
MD went from there and we all started working.
I liked Ajeet’s way to answer. I was not impressed that he supported me but I liked his way to say all facts to MD in front of all employees. As all employees knew this but nobody told it to MD.
We were going home and on the way we found there was an accident and a lady had got injuries. All were looking at her. Ajeet stopped the car and brought her to hospital. I saw where all people feared to help the lady and there Ajeet did not worry for a sing minute. He took her at hospital.
I saw his braveness.
I started liking her.
Ajeet came to know about this and he proposed me. We used to spend our time together and it’s nice to have his company. Ajeet is my neighbor so I intentionally talk about Ajeet at my home so that my family could think about Ajeet for me.

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