sad love story – english love story

My name is……I study in B.A Sem IV. I started liking a boy who does not study with me. I do not live with my parents. I live as paying guest near my educational institute. One day I was going from my institute to the place, where I live as paying guest that boy proposed me. I happily accepted his proposal as I was already in love with him. We exchanged our phone no’s. the girls who study with me had told me that boy is not a good fellow as he is involved with other girls also. But I ignored their advice and continued ignored their advice and continued my friendship with him. He expressed his desire to marry me. I got married with him without telling anything to my parents. I started living as his wife in a home which he had taken on rent. My parents did not know anything about it. Whenever I have to go in my home on the week ends, I went there as an unmarried women without having make up. My parents had firm faith in me . this thing never came in to their mind that I was married to someone. My parents helped me in every way as they could.

My friend (Husband), one day told me that he wants to go to England and he would take me with her with in six months and told me that he would keep in contact with me after reaching England.

He reached in England but he did not call me. When I called him, his phone was switch off. I called him again & it again was switch off. He did not call me even after a week. Now I am pregnant. I have understood that. that boy has cheated me. I am in great confusion. What should I do. How can I give birth to a baby as my parents know nothing about it. Please suggest me the best way.



Posted By … Amita Mehta for ******


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